A driven professional dedicated to bridging the gap between traditional markets and innovative technologies

Feel free to reach out for speaking engagements on the following topics:

-> digital assets, tokenisation of real assets, digital identity, artificial intelligence and the legal industry.

C-level Legal & Operations Executive | New Technologies | Speaker based in London, England

Isabella Barbara Tisenhusen is a fully qualified lawyer and an operations manager with a truly entrepreneurial mindset.

Isabella has over a decade of experience in PE & VC, traditional finance and new technologies. She has worked with key clients like Nasdaq, Blackstone, EQT, Providence Equity and Partners Group.

Isabella is also a founder in Web 3 having co-founded a start-up that deals with tokenisation of real assets.

Selected speaking engagements:

AI Fought the Law and the Law Won‘ at the Cambridge Faculty of Law, in Cambridge, England (February 2024)

The Legal Profession in the Time of AI‘ at the Annual Assembly of the Estonian Bar Association (April 2024)

Associate of the Year: Artificial Intelligence‘ at the Private Client Global Elite members summit at Terre Blanche, in South of France (September 2023)

The State of Regulation and Policy in Crypto‘ at the CryptoUK annual meeting at CMS offices in London, England (March 2023)

What’s Next for Digital Currencies: Crypto and CBDCs‘ at the Payments Leaders’ Summit in London, England (November 2023)

Selected publications:

Law Over Borders: Comparative Guide to Cryptoassets‘ by the Global Legal Post, in print and digital version (April 2024)

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Tiesenhausen Ltd

Registered in England under No 12462983

e-mail: isabella@tiesenhausen.fr